Help keep this website on the air!
We need your help! Please be a patron and help keep all of these resources "on the air" for the benefit of everyone, from amateur radio operators to pigeon racers!
Please consider donating toward our operational, monthly costs (base amount is at least $150 (USD) per month), as well as to our equipment and software support costs. Each year, we also have to cover the yearly fee for a Trusted Security Certificate for our Facebook App.
You can help in one of several ways.
See all of the options, further down this page.
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In general, this online space weather and radio resource service needs help, every month, as the cost of running this web service comes out of my pocket (I'm Tomas, amateur radio operator with an FCC licensed callsign of 'NW7US'). No, this is not a corporate or non-profit organization, but a small, 'mom and pop' effort to bring you the best collection of resources we can. At times, it is difficult to come up with the money needed, out of personal funds. Please, consider helping out, today, if at all possible. Thank you!, and, have been active since about 1998, offering live propagation and space weather information, shortwave listening resources, and many more resources useful to the radio hobbyist and space weather enthusiest. I am blessed that the work I have done, and the resources I offer, have become so incredibly popular! The traffic and usage grow everyday. The site has been and continues to be reviewed and mentioned in major radio magazines, and many club newsletters, and so on. This is appreciated! I am very pleased to see that my efforts are useful to so many people. As an extension of my hobby, my goal is to continue improving the resources of this website, increasing its usefulness to you.
I want to thank all of you who make this site so successful. In addition, a small number of you have already contributed to the operations fund. I appreciate your patronage and your contributions! At any time that you have a question or comment,
please provide a bit of feedback.